Well after the expense of Guild Ball buying... staying at EXPO and now buying into TANKS (which is cheap by itself but it forced me to buy, too many expansions, a new game mat and also some new resin buildings and some decent bocage) I now have all I need game wise and WILL NOT be buying anything else for the foreseeable future... I promise!
Oh except the expansions for either of the above when they come out (obviously) :)
If I do break this pledge I will expect haranguing of the extreme sort !
Who is Rich J anyway

- Rich Jones
- Trials and tribulations of following interests when getting 'past it'.
Sunday, 19 June 2016
Saturday, 18 June 2016
Tanks - don't worry about it...
Gale Force 9
Well it’s
been a while since I did a ‘review’ but a couple of things have twisted my arm:
· I have a liking for the game.
· It seems to be rapidly getting a
· It was the catalyst of a lot of
debate when we talked about it on Meeples & Miniatures.
So, what’s all the fuss about?
Tanks is a
game (remember that word for later), in fact it is a tank skirmish game set in
WWII. One of the new ‘hybrid games’ really, it is neither a full blown wargame
or a board game – much in the same way as X-Wing. Played on a relatively small ‘table’
(3x3) and only needing what you get in the box to play (at a starter level).
One can then purchase ‘expansions’ which add options to the basic game. Nothing
to stop you using a full blown table laden with lovely terrain, but plays just
as well using the 2D thick card stock terrain that one finds in the box. Indeed
the box promises an,
quick-play, small-scale game, where you take command of a tank platoon, seeking
to destroy your opponent’s tanks and secure victory. TANKS is a flexible game
with lots of ways to create a finely-tuned army that fits your play style.
A tank
platoon consisted of 3-5 tanks for most of the countries involved and this is
what will be present on the table during your battles (games). So, in the finest review style paying homage
to old man Clint Eastwood, let’s see what is the Good, Bad and the Ugly…
The Good
Well, it’s
WWII tanks, enough said. And add to that it seems to follow my old doctrine
from War Games Journal days and it is
set in the proper stage of the war – my motto was ‘Early war; that’s May 1944’
and a disbelief that anyone would want to play anything before Normandy unless
it involved a lot of sand – so we have the big guns out and about and that’s
always a good thing. Seriously though the production values are excellent and
what we would expect from GF9 (whose Spartacus and Firefly games adorn my games
shelves) and their, now, parent company Battlefront (the Kiwis responsible for
the set of Flames of War WWII rules which
is played by the most number of players – love it or hate it, that is the
truth). Excellent value the box contains all you need to start playing and the
components are top notch. One caveat must
be thrown in I suppose; the tanks are FOW kits (the same as in their starter
sets in fact) and need putting together. While definitely on the ‘easy’ side of
model making they will require cutters, glue and a sharp knife. Not the easy
open the box and whack it on the table one finds with a lot of ‘hybrid’ games.
In the box
are two Sherman tanks and one Panther; all the counters, markers and rulers you
need for two players (in thick pre-cut card stock); 2D terrain in the same
material, some houses and woods which are double sided so you can style your
play area as Normandy or Northern Europe; all the dice you need in two opposing
colours; the tank cards (interestingly, and a very pleasant surprise, all the
tanks from all the nations that are getting ‘wave one’ appear in the box) and a
set of ‘critical hit’ cards. All in all, as alluded to earlier – great value
box set at around £16.50.
Game play
is easy to pick up; fairly intuitive (in an abstracted way) and fast, with
100point ‘normal’ games lasting 45-60 minutes. It uses d6 and no more than 6 a
roll so it’s not ‘buckets’ of dice. It is fairly unambiguous in measurement,
movement uses a stick; ranges are unlimited and no ‘bands’; LOS is easy to see –
basically everything to help competition play smooth and friendly really, and
you have to think this is where the game is heading (again much like X-Wing).
- tanks are given an initiative score and tanks move in lowest initiative to
highest and then shoot from highest to lowest. This can be altered by ‘upgrades’
which alter the initiative score in either or both the movement and then
shooting phases.
Movement is
easy and abstracted – put the stick (which is arrow shaped) anywhere on your
tank, then place the tank fully on the edge of the stick with any side FLUSH
with the stick. Most tanks can move in this way twice, but some can only do one
stick, some three sticks. This is so unambiguous and easy, very fast to do and
easy to pick up (but more of this mechanic later on).
Firing, which
is perhaps the most important bit of the game, is fairly simple and fast. You
roll a number of fire dice – this is normally 4 with the more powerful guns
(88,90mm) at 6 with others (76, 17pdr 85mm and such) at 5. The amount of fire
dice doesn’t change. Any 4-6 rolled is a hit, with the 6s being potential
critical hits. The target then defends by rolling their armour/defence dice.
This is normally 1 with 2 and 3 being saved for the heavy boys. Any 4-6 rolled
negates a hit with the 6 meaning the defender can choose which hit it cancels
(meaning critical hits can be got rid of first if the player wants). However,
the defence dice pool can be modified by a number of things. Dice are added for
the speed both the target and firer are moving – making stationary fire more
likely to hit, but lots of movement making it harder to hit. Cover adds a die,
proximity subtracts a die, as do flank/rear shots. Critical hits allow one to
draw a card – this has some effect on the target and between 0-3 damage as
well. Mechanic wise this is nice, covers most things you want and more thought
has to be put into which hits to cancel than appears at first thought. However,
some people will find it hard to hit well if both tanks are flying around at
speed 2. Once your tank takes the number of hull points it has (5-6) it brews
That is all
there is to the basic mechanics, but Tanks is a tank building game as well and
your base tank can be ‘upgraded’ with better than normal crew and upgrades to
armour, ammo and equipment. Some of the crew are unique heroes, most are not
but obviously one can only take one driver upgrade, one commander upgrade, one
loader upgrade etc. etc. This alters the mechanics a lot and adds all the
flavour to the game. Again, I love this mechanic and it is very similar to
X-Wing style games.
The booklet
has a number of missions in, which are all fairly basic types for competition
style games. But the system would be easy to adapt to any scenario, real or
imagined – so long as it’s just tanks.
The Bad
Not too
many things really, so long as you keep pounding your head with the fact it is
a GAME. Try and turn it into a tank simulation game and you are going to fry
your brain with outrage. Let’s face it, it is a simple gateway game into FOW
and/or a comp game which I suspect they would love to see grow so that comps
are a big part of the play scene. It isn’t a game to which anyone veering to
the ‘rivet counter’ side of WWII gaming is probably going to enjoy, or at least
not let themselves enjoy. The national characteristics (which add flavour on,
well, a national level) are very broad and don’t really apply to all the tanks
of that nation, instead, like many things in the game, they are a game
balancer. Stats of the tanks can seem to be off kilter – why is the Brit
Sherman worse than the American one? Probably due to the playtesting showing
the national characteristics gave a more powerful affect and so needed
balancing. Ground scale wise it doesn’t add up. Tactics of the day will not
work particularly well on the whole (getting to the flank being the exception)
and seem to be inspired by the film FURY, move as fast as you can ‘til the
German tank can’t shoot you all and then pound away. One shotting an opponent
isn’t impossible but is very hard to achieve, again probably a game balancing
thing. Tanks are destroyed, on the whole, by chipping away. But, do these
things stop it being a good game – NO. Do they stop it being a good
representation of tank warfare in WWII – YES. If that is an issue, probably don’t
play it – if it isn’t then have lots of fun!
The Ugly
If any
aspect of the game is going to make a seasoned WWII player rage quit, then it
will be the movement. Unless you embrace the fact that your tank can basically
move like Messi cutting through a Sunday League team’s defence then it will
drive you mad. Not a lot can’t be done with the movement stick and the rules as
written. Other tanks don’t block movement so if that arrow can be laid over
them and you can fit you can move! A tank can start pointing one way, move and
end up pointing the other – no being trapped in an alley way ala Kelly’s Heroes
in this game. Reversing is as fast as forward movement (insert Italian tank jokes
here) as there is no way to decrease the move at all when using the stick. Now
played with a mate who will make what one deems sensible/real moves and this is
no problem. Play with someone who is playing the GAME or when winning is
paramount (read - comps) then it could cause high blood pressure unless one
embraces the dark side! A high initiative tank, especially if it is German with
the Blitzkrieg move at the end of the turn, will be able to waltz around the
scenery and your tanks making it hard to gang up if you are close and probably
hard for anyone to hit as all tanks are probably going to be moving 2. Also
stationary fire hardly negates 2 or 3 speed movement – which isn’t a bad thing
per se but means that you do tend to get a few strange CHARGE moves to get in
real close.
There is NO
Tiger, even though you can field one or two of the 20 Pershing tanks present in
Europe at the end of the war. I’m sure there will be in some wave of releases,
but wave one isn’t it. Probably more due to the fact that Battlefront have, as
yet, no plastic Tiger in their range - but a disappointment to say the least.
your platoon is done by points, not any historical organisational reason. A
Pershing, 75mm M4 and a 76mm can be fielded in the same platoon. As could a
Panther, StuG, Pnzer IV etc.
The Verdict
Honestly, I
love the game! But I have embraced it as a game… one I can use tanks with and
pretend I am in FURY. I’ve actually had a few emails and comments since coming
out and saying I like the game from people who are outraged that I (someone who
was the Wargames Journal’s WWII bod, someone who in Ambush Alley’s original
Force on Force rules was classed as the WWII armour expert, someone who has
championed rules that give a ‘good feel’ combat wise like Nuts) can like a game
which is so perversely at odds with reality in a fair number of ways.
there lies the reason… It is so far away that it doesn’t bother me, I can not
see it as anything BUT a GAME and have embraced that. I have spent the last two
weeks saying, “So what, it doesn’t matter, it’s a GAME.” Do I expect Formula
One car realism from Formula D, do I expect space science realism from X-Wing, aerial
warfare realism from Wings of War – NO of course not, so why should Tanks have
to come out as realistic? It shouldn’t and nor does even pretend to be. It is
supposed to be a game, a gateway game into other WWII games maybe, or a stand-alone
fun game which will make a good organised play set. And this it does very, very
well. For new players coming from say X-Wing or Armada etc. etc. who have no,
or little, experience of WWII games and little knowledge except from films and
video games, the game will be highly intuitive and fun – I have heard the
adjective, awesome, used a number of
times by new players.
In a number
of ways, it does introduce some fairly new mechanics into the mix for WWII
games. The upgrade cards are an excellent way to make the tanks different to
each other. The fire and defence dice mechanism is very good for a quick paced
game. The movement stick makes it very straight forward. If the intention had
been to provide a set of rules for seasoned players to get into I imagine it would
be fairly easy to make the rules suitable for that client base. Put caveats on
the movement stick use and stick a half way measure, make the fire arcs more
defined, make stationary fire more powerful, tweak the stats more and you would
have a game which would sit well with them. BUT that is not the target
audience, not their unique sale point – newbies are, comp players are, converts
from other similar games are. For them TANKS is an excellent game as is. Even
for some long term ‘real’ war-gamers who don’t dabble in WWII era the game will
provide a good ‘beer and pretzel’ affair for the end of the evening at the
For the
seasoned WWII player then it’s going to be down to if they can get over the bad
and the ugly, can they embrace the dark side and see it as a GAME not a system
that will slot alongside their favoured set of rules (although it does kind of
make me annoyed that Rapid Fire is acceptable to many who would be aghast at
TANKS – in many ways RF is even more abstracted and far-fetched) – if they can,
then they may find a lot in TANKS to like.
As for me,
I’m hooked, yes I will probably play with 3D scenery making the table look
pretty, yes when I play in comps I will probably still inwardly cringe at the myriad
of mixed tank platoons. BUT, I will be having fun and I will be playing with
tanks… Even if it is only a GAME. So let me take you by the hand, and lead you
to the dark side!
Monday, 13 June 2016
It's a Tiger Sir, for sure... Oh no it's not, they aren't out yet.
Well it was bound to happen, I'd avoided WWII gaming for over a year now... But then Gale Force Nine (alongside their mother company Battlefront - of Flames of War fame) do this:
Damn, damn, damn! A tank game that plays like X-Wing I was told (well plays like is pushing it a bit - it does have tank cards, crew cards, upgrade cards and a crit damage card deck, but no movement dials so it can't be like it, can it?) so what more did I need to know.
Well rules for a start and luckily they are online:
And they look FUN... note the word fun. Considering the stick FOW gets for its slight bow to realism it will be interesting to see what WWII gamers make of tanks. But I like the look of them as a game and tomorrow this lot arrives at my house:
Yeh you need the expansions for the cards... but then again can you ever have enough plastic tanks?
More about the game play next time, but, suffice to say the cards give you all the info you need.
Damn, damn, damn! A tank game that plays like X-Wing I was told (well plays like is pushing it a bit - it does have tank cards, crew cards, upgrade cards and a crit damage card deck, but no movement dials so it can't be like it, can it?) so what more did I need to know.
Well rules for a start and luckily they are online:
And they look FUN... note the word fun. Considering the stick FOW gets for its slight bow to realism it will be interesting to see what WWII gamers make of tanks. But I like the look of them as a game and tomorrow this lot arrives at my house:
Yeh you need the expansions for the cards... but then again can you ever have enough plastic tanks?
More about the game play next time, but, suffice to say the cards give you all the info you need.
Yeh, I imagine players will soon have more Pershings on the table than actually made it to the front in reality and the colour schemes will make WWII gamers of a particular age go red with fury... But people will be playing a WWII tank game. And to me this is the point. Do I expect racing car realism when playing Formula De, starfighter realism when playing X-wing, rugby realism when playing Crash Tackle? No, of course I don't - so should I expect it when playing a WWII tank game - no of course not. It looks like a fun game... more later this week I suspect.
Sunday, 5 June 2016
Okkers Up North... UK Games Expo
So it was up to the NEC to play in the Guild Ball comp on the Saturday - but a whole Friday to look around the expo sales area (much to the horror of my bank account). Spent most of Friday afternoon wandering around with Neit S from the Meeples and Miniatures pod-cast playing games - and then generally buying the buggers.
I love the games expo, mainly because it isn't a war-games show, and as such the clientele was very very different. Less smelly and lardy by far and a far evener split of the old sexes. Also it is geared for people to play games, not just demo games but social games - huge areas of space set aside for casual gaming. A great place to be fair.
First on the 'oops I bought it list' was Project Elite
A 'real time' game which apparently falls into the 'tower defence' genre - in other words you have to stop the horde (in this case of aliens) overunning the base before you do the objectives. Not a new concept by any stretch of the imagination (you can hear the BUT coming). However, (yeh a posh but I know) the real time was the twist - the game is set up that you are rolling dice continually for two minutes activations and using what come up as quick as you can - one side of the d6 lets you move a space, so roll 3 of them and you move 3 spaces, shoot with a gun symbol etc. Each player starts with 4 dice and you can bank them into actions (to search or do the objective marker etc). Speed is the essence here and mayhem happens, each player rolls at the same time. Each time an alien symbol is rolled you HAVE to move an alien (following the arrows laid out) who can push, conga style, other aliens - if you are attacked (pushed back) you lose a Hit Point etc
At the end of your two minutes of dice rolling mayhem the aliens get to activate and spawn - all done on the cards and arrows and they get to shoot if they can. Add events, objects, alien tech, weapons to find and you have an awesome game indeed. Miniatures are very average but like I said to Neil this is a good point as one feels they are not good enough to make you want to paint them, but plenty good enough to play with on the board and you get a TON of them.
One purchase wouldn't have been bad - but you can add to this:
ICE COOL - a very very fun penguin chase game where you flick the penguins around the board. Yeh I know silly, but absolutely brilliant!
Luchador - a mexican wrestling dice game (new edition) - again what is there not to like
Super 11 - a footy game which is simple but works real well
Going to be taking these to school I think for a board game afternoon treat for my class.
I treated myself to a night in the Hilton, which was nice but sort of not as nice as I imagined a Hilton should be and certainly not x-times nicer than a Holiday Inn as befits the x-times price difference - but still it is only once a year and means you are literally 'on top of the action'. Saturday saw the Steam-forged run Guild Ball comp.
The Okkers were ready - Jamie, the designer of many things Guild Ball liked the beer pots and tweeted them:
And I was set for game one...
My opponent was Pat... second or third (can't remember) at the 140+ player Vengeance tournament a couple of weeks ago and was determined not to let it slip. I was on the end of the Butcher's momentum train and he basically pounded me... I put up a fight but didn't even see the ball as far as I can remember with him doing 6 kills over the game. Lessons learnt - needed to take out Obulus rather than the players around him for a start. Will put up a better fight against Butcher's next time for sure.
Second game was against a guys (name escapes me) Morticians team and it was close... a few dodgy things happened which I couldn't be arsed to argue about but one of which certainly lost me the game, a: the clock wasn't paused as I was trying to explain a situation which ended on me acquising and keeping Spiggot off for what was 2 extra turns with icy sponges - where I should have had him back - but still I lost on timed out VPS - wasn't going to let it spoil my day though to be fair.
Third game was against Fish and the Marc (my opponent) hadn't played much and although neither had I I had played with Fish and knew what he could do, and more importantly what he couldn't. 12-0 to me as I scored 2 goals and two take outs - satisfying game to be sure and good fun,
Last game was against Masons and I had the guy on the ropes and pinned back for most of the game. This pleased me as I felt I was playing very well for a change. Ended scoring twice, missing 3 open goals (3-5 dice needing just one 4) and taking out 2 players with 2 timed out VP on top. His Masons did score once but I actually figured I couldn't stop it and instead set up the post goal plays which won the game. Again, a situation I felt my level of play had grown with.
An exhausting day - but very enjoyable, bring on the next tourney and our club league for sure !
I love the games expo, mainly because it isn't a war-games show, and as such the clientele was very very different. Less smelly and lardy by far and a far evener split of the old sexes. Also it is geared for people to play games, not just demo games but social games - huge areas of space set aside for casual gaming. A great place to be fair.
First on the 'oops I bought it list' was Project Elite
A 'real time' game which apparently falls into the 'tower defence' genre - in other words you have to stop the horde (in this case of aliens) overunning the base before you do the objectives. Not a new concept by any stretch of the imagination (you can hear the BUT coming). However, (yeh a posh but I know) the real time was the twist - the game is set up that you are rolling dice continually for two minutes activations and using what come up as quick as you can - one side of the d6 lets you move a space, so roll 3 of them and you move 3 spaces, shoot with a gun symbol etc. Each player starts with 4 dice and you can bank them into actions (to search or do the objective marker etc). Speed is the essence here and mayhem happens, each player rolls at the same time. Each time an alien symbol is rolled you HAVE to move an alien (following the arrows laid out) who can push, conga style, other aliens - if you are attacked (pushed back) you lose a Hit Point etc
At the end of your two minutes of dice rolling mayhem the aliens get to activate and spawn - all done on the cards and arrows and they get to shoot if they can. Add events, objects, alien tech, weapons to find and you have an awesome game indeed. Miniatures are very average but like I said to Neil this is a good point as one feels they are not good enough to make you want to paint them, but plenty good enough to play with on the board and you get a TON of them.
One purchase wouldn't have been bad - but you can add to this:
ICE COOL - a very very fun penguin chase game where you flick the penguins around the board. Yeh I know silly, but absolutely brilliant!
Luchador - a mexican wrestling dice game (new edition) - again what is there not to like
Super 11 - a footy game which is simple but works real well
Going to be taking these to school I think for a board game afternoon treat for my class.
I treated myself to a night in the Hilton, which was nice but sort of not as nice as I imagined a Hilton should be and certainly not x-times nicer than a Holiday Inn as befits the x-times price difference - but still it is only once a year and means you are literally 'on top of the action'. Saturday saw the Steam-forged run Guild Ball comp.
The Okkers were ready - Jamie, the designer of many things Guild Ball liked the beer pots and tweeted them:
And I was set for game one...
My opponent was Pat... second or third (can't remember) at the 140+ player Vengeance tournament a couple of weeks ago and was determined not to let it slip. I was on the end of the Butcher's momentum train and he basically pounded me... I put up a fight but didn't even see the ball as far as I can remember with him doing 6 kills over the game. Lessons learnt - needed to take out Obulus rather than the players around him for a start. Will put up a better fight against Butcher's next time for sure.
Second game was against a guys (name escapes me) Morticians team and it was close... a few dodgy things happened which I couldn't be arsed to argue about but one of which certainly lost me the game, a: the clock wasn't paused as I was trying to explain a situation which ended on me acquising and keeping Spiggot off for what was 2 extra turns with icy sponges - where I should have had him back - but still I lost on timed out VPS - wasn't going to let it spoil my day though to be fair.
Third game was against Fish and the Marc (my opponent) hadn't played much and although neither had I I had played with Fish and knew what he could do, and more importantly what he couldn't. 12-0 to me as I scored 2 goals and two take outs - satisfying game to be sure and good fun,
Last game was against Masons and I had the guy on the ropes and pinned back for most of the game. This pleased me as I felt I was playing very well for a change. Ended scoring twice, missing 3 open goals (3-5 dice needing just one 4) and taking out 2 players with 2 timed out VP on top. His Masons did score once but I actually figured I couldn't stop it and instead set up the post goal plays which won the game. Again, a situation I felt my level of play had grown with.
An exhausting day - but very enjoyable, bring on the next tourney and our club league for sure !
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